Thursday, July 18, 2024

Saturday 20 JULY 2024 - Terry's Elementalist campaign - Session 0-1... and beef.

Session 0 (and maybe session 1)

Character Creation

I will be using both the Free Archetype and Dual Class option, however, for the Dual Class, each character will be a single element kineticist. The character builder does not enforce your second class main attribute, but please make sure you take both of your class attributes unless constitution is somehow the class attribute for both classes (I don't think any other class uses constitution).

I would prefer each character specialized in a different element, Matt has already chosen Metal, and I would like Rob to play Wood if we continue this campaign after his summer vacation (and if he randomly joins us). That leaves the classic elements of Air, Earth, Fire and Water for Dwight and Paul to choose from. From an in-character perspective, this element appears to be something innate to you merely awakened by the fire fruit diet you've been on since you were able to eat solid food; it is fate or destiny or maybe even chance, but it is not something the character chose for himself, and he may dislike the hand fate has dealt him in-character. Fire Grove citizens refer to their elemental powers as their Inheritance of Dragons. I'll post more world building shortly.

Most backgrounds will be acceptable other than one suggesting loyalty to foreign nations or suggesting recent planar migration. New Lore skills for the campaign will be “Lore: Fire Grove”, “Lore: Fire Fruit” and “Lore: Draconic Inheritance”.

For gear, keep your starting gold. Each character has been gifted a Class Kit of choice, a type one bag of holding replacing the backpack (holds 25 bulk, worth 75 gp), a mundane weapon melee of choice made of sisterstone, a mundane ranged weapon of choice with 20 pieces of standard ammo and one piece of cold iron or silver ammo, an adamantine dagger and a mundane set of armor (also sisterstone if applicable). Add a Gate Attenuator to your character sheet, but remember you don't have it yet (it will be gained shortly and I don't want to lose time looking it up).

Characters start at second level, you may opt to wait for the game to start to pick your free archetype, or pick it before starting. Have third level also prepared in case we get that far. I expect day one to be a short adventure after introducing characters. Their first real adventure will actually take them off the island searching for a lost pathfinder. (It is a module named “Second Confirmation”)

The characters are expected to play nice with the pathfinders, and will be working for them in the first adventure. Each character may decide if they like the pathfinders or if they are just taking advantage of their resources (or spying on them). The pathfinders have a lodge at the base of the cliff monitoring the archeology/looting of bones and other treasure, along with multiple other university embassies. The Mwagni are also present, and actively recruiting new attendants. They seem particularly adept at finding “good” people.

Please post your element, non-kineticist class, race and primary weapon and armor.

My car was vandalized yet again this week; this time, all the Hondas in the area had their airbags stolen, a job that can be done in under a minute, apparently. While Dwight could pick me up, I'm honestly too tired and depressed at this point to put on a happy face and start another RPG campaign. I know this screws up people's plans, and I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.
sorry to hear that matt. any chance of catching the people?
Guess we will take this week off then, I've chosen air
They'll never catch them. This is a flaw in all newer model Hondas and made worse by an airbag recall, which has spiked the price on functioning airbags. The steering wheel airbag can be ripped out in under a minute with simple tools and not much training, leaving them vulnerable no matter where they are parked. I've got a steering wheel lock, like the old Club, on order that should help since it covers the airbag. While that can be bypassed by drilling or cutting it off, the hope is they won't bother and will simply move on to the next Honda - there's no shortage of them. I don't know if Paul's Civic is new enough to be vulnerable, but if so, I'd strongly recommend a steering wheel lock for it. It's better than nothing.
As for the game, I'm probably going to be some mix of Metal Kineticist and some fighter-type since that makes sense. Conjure armor, beat bad guys with metal as a spell or as a weapon, etc. I haven't had time to study this edition's rules well enough to know if that concept works or not.

Do we have a Campaign name and password setup yet so character sheets can be shared?
Ok, I put together a character using the online tool, so all I need is the campaign name and password to add it. Metal Kineticist, Sentinel Dedication (devoted to armor, which is on theme), human, with a longspear as the basic weapon. There's Streetwise and Haughty Obstinance in there, since he sees Metal and related crafts as a refinement of the other baser elements. Fire and air to forge the metal, Earth to get the ore, Water to quench the metal, etc. So, a bit arrogant with 0 Charisma modifier. I look forward to him playing the face of the group, hahahaha!

No idea how to get Dual Class to work in the online tool, and there's some evidence it isn't available.
The dual class option has been available for me, in the same area as activating the free archetype. Menu -> Character Options -> Allow Gamemastery Guide Dual Classing.

GM 7985

I'm going to start a new post for next week. And will include some world building stuff there and a repeat of the character creation.
Yep, you are correct. Dual Class option is right there and is now active for my Character. Fighter is the other have, having fun with reach weapons is a new sub-theme, and my character is now connected to the campaign.
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