Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sat, Feb 28th

Ok, so, not sure what we are going to do this coming weekend.  Kevin hasn't started a post and he didn't mention whether or not he was going to be there for this weekend.  So, bring all your stuff just in case.

I want to thank Terry for putting us up last Saturday night when we all decided not to drive home.  Want to thank him also for providing the delicious burritos and a place for us to play.

So, who can be there for whatever gaming we are going to do?  I'll be there and I don't work, so, if it doesn't snow on Saturday, then I'll try to get there around 3 pm or after.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Saturday, Feb 21st

Ok, so, Kevin said that he might not be there this Saturday.  So, if that is the case, then Terry should be able to run Rifts.

If Kevin can run, he will let us know on here, so, keep watching this space to see if his plans change.  Either way, our characters got up to level 13, so, make sure you level up your characters before game session.  If Terry runs, he had asked us to come up with our second OCC/RCC that we want our characters to become.  So, think on that as well.

So, who will be there?  I have to work, so, it will be after 4:30 before I can be there.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Saturday, Feb 14th

Ok, so, Kevin must be busy this week since he hasn't posted yet, so, I'll start it for him.

Since Terry should be back this weekend that Kevin wants to continue with his Shatterstar campaign.

So, who can be there?  I should be there, and I don't have work, so, I'll get there as soon as I can.

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Sat the 7th

Hey Guys,

Short post.  Terry is out this week, so we can hang out at the store like last weekend.   I'll be there around 3ish, hope everyone can make it.  See ya Saturday.

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