Monday, September 30, 2024

Sat the 5th

Hey fellers, 

I'm back this Sat to continue with Pathfinder.  The party continues to slog it's way through Alaznist's stronghold, dispatching minions left and right.  Who will be there this weekend for more mayhem and devastation?

And here is the loot list from last session: 2x [+5 mithral chainmail, +3 buckler, +1 mithral scimitar, amulet of natural armor +2, belt of mighty constitution +6];
+3 Lg breastplate, 6 Lg cold iron scimitars, ring of freedom of movement, ring of resistance +3; 3 mithril breastplates, +6 headband of Int, +6 belt of Dex, +5 ring of protection, +6 moderate fortification bracers of armor, ring of wizardy VI, robes of the archmagi (grey), and Fiendsplitter (artifact, +4 cold iron evil outsider bane halberd with special properties.)
Woo Hoo. Looking forward to more burning a path across Golarion.
Haven't decided on dinner yet, I have a couple options in the fridge, maybe I'll do more than one.
I should be there.
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