Friday, August 30, 2024

31 AUG 2024 - Continuing the PF2E experiment, beef and fries for dinner.

 As the title says. 

Also, there is a general feat I didn't know about before called "bonded animal" (prerequisite: Expert in Nature), which allows you to bond an animal, and if its level is low enough, it gains the minion trait so you can more effectively control it. The level limits for the animal are based on your rank in the Nature skill (you all have nature for being kineticists). When you get Master in Nature, the animal can be up to level 3 (I've decided thats the right rank for riding drakes), and when/if you get Legendary in Nature, it can act as a flying mount. (Legendary skills become available at level 15, with the newest source book, flying mounts become available at level 14 for classes with special mounts, so I think level 15 is about right for not having a specialized class).

Unless I change my current plans, the adventure this week, your first as level 5, will be exploring the cave that opened up under the Dragon Horde general store. Travis wants it mapped out and scouted to see what threats/opportunities are there before he seals it up. It should connect to several known parts of the city, but he wants to know what links there are to the known underground areas, and if there are new sub-city neighborhoods that should be exploited or exterminated. 

Don't forget to distribute loot.

I should be there. I plan to switch my main weapon to a Bec De Corbin for the Bludgeoning damage option. I assume that's fine since it's a minor character change and just requires shuffling some runes around at most.
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