Friday, August 16, 2024

17 AUG 2024 - More fire fruit and more beef... and dragons

 More adventures in Fire Grove, and sliced beef. I'll try not to overcook it this time.

Update your characters to level 4 please. 

Also, if you have already seen it, I have a text channel on discord for our games, for keeping campaign information and loot lists. The old one called "saturday-dnd" should just be there for planning or non-campaign discussions. I'll try to keep a sticky note at the top of the draconic-inheritance channel with the character's level and relevant notes.

This week should includes dragons and curses and more dubious missions from the leaders of Fire Grove, and shopping. Travis or the drake riders will offer a 25% discount on a common level 3 item (the 60gp items) for anyone interested in a wand or +1 rune for a weapon. Also, in Fire Grove, low level magic items that mimic kineticist abilities are usually 50% cheaper.

Hope everyone can make it.

I should be there.
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