Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Sat the 6th

 Hi guys, 

Just starting a post for this weekend.  I'm available on the 13th and plan to run Pathfinder.  Hope to see you then, have fun whatever you get into this Sat.

Total treasure I've documented so far, not counting anything people added to their character sheets already.
- Silver brooch (5 gp)
- Old map
- 2 Healing potions
- Hat of Disguise
- Potency rune for weapons
- +1 warhammer
- Wayfinder, watch (somebody might have gotten this)
- Wand of force barrage (somebody might have gotten this)
- Axe of Retribution
- Mesmerizing Opal (magic, very specific uses, gave to Monk)
- 5 sling bullets of light cantrip
- Necklace of Fireballs (I think Dwight has this.)
Kevin, if I'm not mistaken, Rob will be out for the next two or so months with his wife returning this coming weekend (I think it is this weekend). So, plan accordingly.
Thanks for starting the post Kevin, I look forward to burning a path to glory. Beef and Fries for dinner this week.
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