Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Sat the 13th

 Hi Guys,

Hello from up north!  I'm back this weekend and looking to run Pathfinder.  The party has dealt with some minotaurs and cultists and is finally ready to enter the last stronghold of Runelord Alaznist.  Of course, that also means you will be encountering her deadliest servants and traps before you can get to her.  So who will be there this weekend to storm the castle??  See you Sat.

And here's the rest of the treasure from the final fight from last time.

Huge +4 unholy halberd of speed
Large mithril breastplate x4
Large mwk greataxe x4
+1 mithril full plate,
+1 heavy mace,
javelin of lightning,
amulet of the abyss,
belt of physical might +4 (Str, Con),
headband of mental prowess +2 (Wis, Cha),
phylactery of negative channeling,
ring of force shield,
ring of protection +4,
silver unholy symbol,
unholy water,
materials for unhallow (worth 1,000 gp),
onyx gems (worth 1,500 gp each),
platinum rings for shield other (worth 100 gp),
silver dust for desecrate (worth 25 gp),
Large half-plate +5, Large battleaxe +5, belt of mighty constitution +6,
pauldrons of unflinching fortitude +3
3,450 gp
Beef and fries for dinner.
Looking forward to burning my way across Golarion.
I should be there.
Just so you know, 295 south is shut down and accidents are piling up on all the alternate routes, so no idea when I'll get there.
And here's the loot list for last session:

+1 Gargantuan mithril full plate
Sihedron ring
greater belt of mighty hurling
magenta prism ioun stone
6 Huge mwk breastplate
6 Huge mwk composite longbow [+16 Str bonus] with 20 arrows
6 Huge mwk greatsword
2 Huge mwk atlatl
2 Huge mwk morningstar
2 Huge mithril scale mail
+1 wild hide armor
bloodstone impaler
amulet of natural armor +2
belt of incredible dexterity +2
cloak of resistance +2
druid’s vestments
headband of mental prowess +2 (Wis, Cha)
pearl of power (2nd
510 pp,
10 amethysts (worth 90 gp each)
four topazes (worth 500 gp each)
6 sapphires (worth 1,200 gp each)
eight large rubies (worth 5,000 gp each)
a scroll of mass heal
a scroll of polymorph any object
a scroll of power word kill
a scroll of rampartAPG
a scroll of screen
a wand of call lightning (47 charges)
handy haversack. level)
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