Friday, January 27, 2023

Saturday, 28 JAN 2023 - Wrath and Glory, Beef and Rice

Beef and Black Rice for dinner again. (I'm just lazy, those are easy to make) If someone wants a more interesting side dish options, bring something easy to prepare and we'll add it in.

 I believe Rob will be out again, so we'll continue trying out the wrath and glory rules. 

A detail I didn't know about the setting, the Gilead System; its not just on the dark side of the warp storm, its a clear area in the middle of the storm, so there aren't any good ways out. When the storm bisected the galaxy, the Gilead system was surrounded on all sides by open tears into the immatereum. After three years of being cut off, the rogue trader house, House Valorius, successfully navigated the storm to bring a fleet of supplies in. His fleet is now one of the most significant power blocks in the system, and no one has successfully come or gone since. 

There are five inhabited planets in the system, collectively known as the heartworlds. There are at least five space hulks in the asteroid belt beyond the heartworlds, and most alien and demonic threats are hiding in the system. Because the system is cut off from the greater imperium, all supplies are short. There are factoried all over, but there are trillions of people. Food is always questionable, but many consider the low ammo supply to be a worse problem.

The Absolvers chapter of space marines is the toughest military power in the system, and this is considered their homeworld. Only 25% of them were in the system when it was cut off, the rest are assumed to be lost. Valorius brought a bunch of primaris marines with him when we made it through, so the chapter is at about 50% strength, and recruiting. The notable thing about the Absolvers, is that they consider their oaths to be more important than their lives, and their first chapter master swore to protect the system for some reason, so they all make the same oath, and take it seriously. 

You guys work for Brevet Captain Akahir, a marine of the Absolvers chapter. This gives you the following Framework (a framework is the reason for your team, and a small bonus ):

Team Framework: Kill-Team (meant for Tier 3, you guys are almost strong enough, so its all good). The primary bonus for this framework is +1 ammo and +1 die against mobs, but I'm also assigning +Rank die on requisition tests for gear with the ASTARTES keyword (including human-scale versions if appropriate) if you didn't spend ammo on the last mission. 


Character creation if anyone wants to change their character:

Character Creation: Create a Tier 2 human or scout marine, and increase XP to 265 (the total after the mission to the Wasted Effort). All characters must have the Transhuman talent, and must meet the prerequisite (rating 5 in the selected attribute).

Bonus Gear: The result of the first mission is each human is able to requisition a bolt pistol (human sized) from the stores of the Wasted Effort, and each scout marine may similarly requisition an assault bolter (the premier weapon of the Primaris marines).

Rules Spotlights

Requisitions: Once per session (at the beginning for this campaign), make an influence test against the value of a piece of gear you would like added to your war gear (modified by rarity and circumstance), and a test for ammo to restock ammo (if necessary). If you fail, you may reduce your wealth by the amount of failure to instead succeed. (This is the rules as written). Currently, the tests for gear you likely want are impossible (mostly target numbers 5-7). Consider raising your Fellowship score, use good role playing to increase your influence through the story, or rely on wealth to make up for shortfalls of influence. Captain Akahir doesn't understand wealth, and doesn't care to. He may temporarily grant gear for specific missions, and once granted may allow you to continue using granted gear until he forgets that it isn't yours; use persuasion instead of influence for borrowing relevant gear. Everyone in the Gilead system is currently feeling a bit of an ammo drought, so this could be a good lead in to getting gear that will use less ammo.


Your reasons for being in the Gilead system may vary, but your purpose now doesn't vary much. Everyone trapped in the Gilead system with ammo and other supplies starting to run low. Your master(s), whoever they are, have seconded you to Brevet Captain Akahir, the apparent heir to the leadership of the Absolvers chapter of the Adeptus Astartes.

So far, your space marine boss has only sent you to investigate a ship captained by one of the lesser sciouns of one of the hangar-on rogue trader houses... who turned out to be a genestealer, which you discovered almost immediately upon being greeted while boarding their vessel, the Wasted Effort. Using asymmetrical warfare, you killed your way to the bridge and eliminated the greatest threat and send a distress call for help, then played hide-and-kill with the crew until you made it to the engine room and disabled the ship while waiting for reinforcements to hopefully help you escape before cleansing the ship.

Luckily, the need for the ship's supplies outweighed Akahir's instinct to burn it from range with massed lance-fire, and the ship itself is still really valuable. Your survival also pleases him, but not as much as the recovery of supplies. He graciously allows you to keep your “requisition” from the ship's manifest, since you will undoubtedly need it in the near future.

For your daily life, you mostly seek shelter in the Absolver's fleet. Constant training is a requirement, but humans can only put up with so much before wearing out. When you're not up for training, you spend time assisting their few chapter serfs with menial chores unless you can escape under guise of other important work. (I feel the need to stress here that Akahir isn't an asshole, he just really doesn't understand humans, wealth or creature comforts, and doesn't care about anything not related to keeping the Gilead system safe, per his highest oath).

Akahir refers to you as the little angels, which is a reference to angels of death, not cute little bringers of peace. You're a kill-team-in-training, and although he knows you have other responsibilities (unless you're space marines), he doesn't understand how a human might not always be ready to jump into battle at any moment or might even be reluctant to jump at any chance to serve the emperor.
I don't have work, so I will be there at normal time.
Sounds good! I should be there. Lol, little angels - we're helping!
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