Friday, April 22, 2022

Star Wars and Steak

 What the title says.

I haven't consolidated my notes, so I don't have the XP totals handy. 

You are currently on the planet Tython, the birthplace of the jedi. The only signs of civilization are the ruins of the jedi predecessors... and the imperial contingent near both poles and spreading out. They don't seem to be aware of you yet, and are avoid the communications blackout caused by the exotic energy emanating from the volcano. 

There are plenty of ruins on the slopes of the mile-high volcano, all build to be just barely visible if you have some clues on what to look for. more unobtrusive and unassuming than hidden, but still effective at keeping imperial interest low when added to the volcano's communications blackout.

There are two moons named after the dark side and the light side, Bogan and Ashla. 

Without several beacons or a wayfinder (with jedi pilot), navigating the nebula is dangerous and difficult. You've left a couple beacons behind, which will make it a little easier for you to return, but more beacons will be required if you plan on others being able to visit (maybe more important for the future). 

There are a couple possible goals: Treasure Hunt, and Outpost. 

Your mandalorian bridge crew does't think attempting a full takeover of the planet is wise or ethical... but claiming a small plot of land for a future diplomatic outpost, say the area around the volcano, would be more in line with your loyalty to the traditional enemies of the Jedi. Make sure to show respect to the traditions and culture of the area you claim, which is a little easier at the volcano site, while also adding the cultural distinctiveness of the mandalorians... force-wielding mandalorian knights. 

As a treasure hunt, there has to be some useful jedi treasure around. If not jedi treasure, then maybe the local imperials would donate their ships to your recycling bins. In additions to hundreds of tie reapers and fighters, there are dozens of sentinels, raiders and gozantis on the ground and in orbit, along with a pair of imerial IIs and a newly arrived Venator carrying supplies. 

Another goal to consider is getting rid of the imperials without attracting more, which might mean hiding from an investigation, or being fast enough to avoid being caught by the overseers in orbit. This is really difficult to plan and pull off, but might be worth it to keep the planet out of imperial hands by making sure they believe their is nothing here worth the cost of obtaining it. 

The communications blackout extends about fifty miles from the volcano, a result of decay of the phryk precursors. A little experimentation would get hyperspace communications up closer, but that might not be worth the time investment without a settlement that needs it. 

See you all Saturday.

Once again I have been scheduled to work Saturday evening. It probably would not be until 9 before I'd get to the house, at which point everything would probably be over.

The current posting for next week does have me back on my regular schedule, so I should be good for next week.
I'll probably be there, but late.
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