Monday, November 08, 2021

Sat the 13th

 Hi Guys, 

Just starting a post for this week.  I'll be available next week and would like to continue Pathfinder on the 20th.  Have fun this weekend and see you in a few.

Thank you for starting the post Kevin. Looking forward to more Flame and Glory on Golarion.

XP and Situation Report Post for 20211113
XP for 20211106: 50 XP, total should now be 3150 + racial. You may now purchase up to two additional specializations (total of 7). Please post when you purchase them so I know what to plan around. Juyo Berserker is not available yet, but you have to study it now to be able to take it later. Ronik is going to upgrade the crystal in his primary lightsaber.

Duty: 5 points per for working for House Kreven to form a more personal alliance with the rebellion and long-term lease of the MC80A, the Pardoner, and its limited crew (add a setback and downgrade to all actions unless missing 2,740 crew are replaced). Duty (Kreven): 75, Rank (Kreven): 4

Hangars-on: 12 mando recruits (three are Dathmorian males), 8 members of k-squad (two are nightsisters and self-appointed to k-squad), twi'lek child, 5 ex-MandalMotors technicians, 5 Blue-squad (self-upgraded ex-B1s who have been flying your YT-1300 around for years, now armed with heavy rifles). These hangars-on are supported by your House Kreven patrons, and typically follow you around. You have been assigned a Gauntlet with nightshadow coating and a secondary transponder that you still haven't named. The Kryt Fang still hasn't been renamed or given any attention.They can't be used to get extra actions in combat (maybe with a destiny point?), but they can pilot your ships outside of combat, act as minion crew in combat when you are leading them, maintain your ships, and participate in mass-combat. They are also available to act as followers, apprentices and students. Other apprentices and NPCs added by the story might end up as hangars on too.

Mission(s) for 2021-NOV-13: Gather resources for Keldabe production; also take advantage of Pardoner-and-crew, and take advantage of other opportunities to gather allies, resources and knowledge or subvert the empire. The ex-Incom employees aboard the Pardoner will have some advice for getting resources for a factory.
You know it might take some heat off of us if this rebellion get more substantial. Maybe help it more from the shadows and let it get most of the Notice from the empire.

I thought I gave the Gauntlet a name to big for it britches? Rename the Kryt Fang to Blue Ghost.

I was thinking if the Techs can mod a rail gun to breach more at the expense of damage and be made to fight on smaller ships..... or take the targeting system from the raider and apply it to the other guns. The plus 2 blue dice.

Let the rebels know, if they cannot handle the inquisitors, to carbon freeze them and send them to us.

I will be putting my 5 trainees threw extra training, to help strengthens body mind and soul, resist the dark side and keep balance. If it fits them, they will be learning marauder along with Nightsister. Well also see if they have aptitude for other skill trees.

speech.." You are no longer the old you. You are more than Mandalorian or are more than what you've come from, so more will be expected of you. You will have a higher standard to live up to every day you are going face the temptation of the dark side the quick and easy path to power, do not be fool all power comes at a price and a price you will pay. The true path to power is a balanced mind body and soul.... had work.... blood and sweat.... and time. You want it easy go join the Empire ... all I offer is a place to belong and loyalty unto the end. My Goal is to protect the Mandalorian People.... to be their shield and proctor from all threats... no more Mauls ... no more empire or incompetent rulers....
Protect the people.... We ill lead but not rule... Advise not make law... Once you are done training yo will be the New Mandalorian Knights....

Also our under used drug labs will be used to make medicine for our troops and to sell for additional supplies.(mission we did for Jobba) We can also make a few "pirate raids" on depose and manufactory sites.

Since I get get a meeting with the Jedi, "Can they relay a message..... What happened? Why did the Clones turn un us? I have a clone prisoner and i rather not just carbon freeze him till the end of the war."
I'll be there late most likely.

I like the railgun idea - surprise weapons should annoy the Empire. Also, were any of the engineers Force sensitive? I assume not, but one never knows.

"Pirate" raids are a good idea.

Will the Jedi explain Order 66 to Dwight's character? I dunno. I guess we'll find out.
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