Monday, July 16, 2018

Saturday, July 21st

Ok, so, Kevin should be out this week.  I believe Dwight and Terry were "arguing" over who will run this week and I think Terry won/lost(?) that "argument".  :)  So, we will be doing Terry's Star Wars campaign this week.

Who will and will not be there???

I'll be there. I'll try to get there early, but don't know what might be going on this weekend if I need to do something else or not. I'll let you know if I do have something come up for it.
asking, if i get Forewarning, would the group be okay if i go first in round? forewaRNING gives defense equal to force rating until you get to act for the first round only.
Recap of Session 20180707
Your orphanage/school/home was attacked openly by imperial agents, mostly storm troopers and inquisitors. You fought your way to the vehicles assigned to you, and fled to the secret escape coordinates for your group; an abandoned jedi outpost on Seline. Your group has 13 people and 12 astromech droids. The other groups are all about the same size. Your instructors must have known something was going to happen, because two groups left the night before, and have not returned on schedule, but the instructors didn't seem worried about it. There should have been 8 groups of youth to escape.
Your force mentor is part of the group. He's an old Cerean nearing the end of his natural life... or not-so-natural. The force does wonderful things for your lifespan, after all... if the empire doesn't kill you for it. He can provide wisdom and training in the force, but is far too old to engage in combat.

On Seline, you found the Jedi base, and discovered it was in need of significant work if it were to be made into a useful base of operations. There was also another group of beings on a plateau ten km away. You checked them out after making a supply run to get five years worth of fuel for the base's power plant and for the two starfights (delta-12s) in the hanger bay. (There were also 3 unarmed, two-seater, speeder bikes in the hangar bay)

The other group turned out to be accidental time travelers who knew they were on Seline, but not aware of (or at least certain of) the distance in time they had traveled. They requested help in getting the supplies they needed and getting back to their place in time, which you were convinced to assist with. To that end, you helped them locate several imperial tie-fighter production facilities in an effort to get supplies and disrupt imperial production. They attacked two while you waited in the outer system, and reported success after the second raid. They then led you to Ossus. On the ground, you met the people (survivors) of Ossus, and eventually found the hidden Gree Hypergate on Ossus (your study of the gates to help get them home led you to the names of the gates and their creators). After excavating the gateroom, you used the force to open the gateway to the spacetime coordinates of the call for help you heard on Seline. After they went through, you decided to follow when the call for help repeated itself.
Going through the Gate, you confirmed your suspicion that the time travelers were the “bad guys”, in this case, Sith, and a rather large band of them. There is a large fight on the other side of the gate, seemingly contained to the landing platform at the moment; a kilometer diameter platform of seemingly indestructible wood with a flickering one-way portal. Your ships are immediately hit by heavy Ion cannons mounted on walking-tanks on the landing platform and need to make a crash landing before they fire again. There are four such tanks on the ground, the sky is crowded with combat vehicles including the two small assault ships the Sith had on the other side of the portal; with stolen tie fighters getting ready to be detached.

Other combatants on the platform include four groups of droids, some wielding lightsabers, 2 groups of red-lightsaber-wielding combatants, 4 groups of sith soldiers wielding heavy weapons, six groups of non-uniformed aliens wilding glowing sticks and 2 groups of uniformed non-sith wielding blaster rifles all fighting each other. The Sith are winning, but their victory is slowed down by the presence of thick, animated vines that continuously attack the sith forces with reasonable accuracy, but only succeeds in knocking them around, rarely actually hurting them. Several of the sith air/space-craft have started making strafing runs, but are targeting something below the plateau.

There is no sun in the sky, and the brief moment you have with sensors show no star in the system. The atmosphere itself seems to glow mildly, and gigantic trees in all directions have glowing plants on them that increase the light level.
35 XP for the last session (15 Base, +5 for the school escape, +10 for using the time travelers to get a path to Ossus, +5 for choosing to go through the gate to answer the call for help) I didn't give a lot of opportunity to advance motives, and asked you to wait until next session to choose moralities (and strengths and weaknesses). Good roleplay for motivations, moral strengths AND weaknesses each session will get 5 to 10 points more.
50 more Gift XP. Please use it to buy force powers and talents to help with the immediate mass combat ahead. Cool entries into the fight, when I run it, will earn the group more XP, along with quick but cool and descriptive training flashbacks explaining how you learned whatever your bought with this week's XP. There will be some conflict handed out over working with the Sith, but only after your characters have had time to think about it and learned of the actual consequences of pointing them at targets and setting them loose.

Working with bad guys in-and-of itself isn't conflict-worthy, but sometimes the emotional impact and other consequences of that decision will earn conflict. In this game, except when I'm feeling too lazy to work the conflict system into the story, 2 to 5 conflict being awarded should be common, between fear and sometimes having nothing but bad options to choose from. From an in-character perspective, you should only worry if you fall below a morality of 40 or regularly see 7+ conflict.

Veskis is piloting the SS-54, who is piloting the HWK-290? Can you post piloting rolls for both pilots please? (RED PURLE PURPLE)+1 Blue for the handling on both ships, and +1 Blue for the astromech sockets with active astromechs in them (both ships have spent two Hps on astromech sockets).

As the ships make their crash landings, does anyone try to do anything special? There appears to be ten groups of enemy minion combatants, rivals leading some of them and four enemy vehicles (similar to AT-STs). There appears to be 8 minion groups fighting them. They are reasonably spread out over a large area with the vehicles and “heavy” minion groups providing covering fire for the lightsaber groups to move and attack.
i left my sheet for the warrior template. i hand the hand to hand spec, did anyone find it online yet?
Terry, could you have a rough drawing of the battlefield, including dead bodies, debris, vehicles, live bodies(sith, bad guys, good guys, animals), rocks, trees, shrubbery and other things of the sort. It doesn't have to be on the grid, unless you were going to use that. Just a rough sketched that lets me know what is around the battlefield. And also the status of the ship I was flying and the cockpit(window specifically).
I'll prepare a sketch (probably right before we start). The battlefield is roughly circular, about 1 km in diameter. A little less than half the battlefield is separated by the still-open portal. There are four, two-legged walkers equally spaced on the perimeter that you can see housing quad ion cannons. A little "north" of the center is a melee between two-dozen red-lightsaber wielders (half droids, half near-human) and two-to-three dozen not-really-combatants wielding some sort of glowing club that does seem to be able to resist the sundering of the lightsabers. spread out more-or-less evenly on the perimeter of the melee are more than two-dozen uniformed Sith soldiers and droids selectively firing into the melee and a dozen uniformed combatants trying to fight back with clearly inferior weapons and armor.

Your two ships are in excellent condition, but get shot out of the sky via quad ion cannon fire as they come through the portal. No damage before they crash, but a crash is inevitable, making sure the ships stay on the platform will be tricky already, so a speedy evacuation may be in order for everyone who isn't busy keeping the ships on the platform.

Immediately off the platform is a forest in all directions. You can't tell how high up you are at the moment, and your sensors will need more time to actually get elevation data... or just peering over the edge...
I may be late - possibly late enough to affect my ability to run the car pool - tomorrow. My other activity is somewhat weather dependent, though, and the weather looks to be lousy, so I'm playing it by ear. Barring some major problem, I will be there, but probably later than normal. I'll call Dwight and such if I can't run the car pool, but please keep that possibility in mind. Thanks.
would it be possible to use ramming one of the Ats, to push it over the edge and to slow us down, keeping us on the platform?
or at least use their crashing skids to smush some minions?
Depends on the piloting checks of the pilots; but yes, anything is possible.

Planning on bell pepper soup for dinner.

Hopefully I'll get up early enough to have dinner made by the time everyone arrives. (that's the advantage of cooking soup... it can simmer all day, so there's no time sensitivity)
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