Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Saturday, February 3rd

Ok, so, Kevin is suppose to be out this week, again, so, it is up to our intrepid backup GMs to figure something out.  I believe Dwight said that he would have something ready for us to do in Star Wars this week.  If not, we can figure out some board game to play, even maybe do Crossfire with everybody there.

Who will be there this weekend?

I'll be there, but I have to work, so will not be until after 4:30 pm before I'll be getting there.
Okay who is interested in the Pub and who is willing to work together for it?

Planning on bell pepper soup. I have dessert. Bring some bread if you'd like to add something (or if you can think of anything else that goes good with soup).

Dr. Kran “Doctor” Boring

OOC: Without knowing the layout of the area, I can only guess at his plans. This plan is assuming that the pub is close to some active mines (like a mile or less away), and the area is somewhat built up or urban so that the business make some sense as something other than a “front” for something else. It also assumes that it is not built over hallowed ground... although he intends to change that.
Also, what is everyone's character's names? My character is Dr. Kran Boring.

(Initial plan to follow... stupid 4096 character limit preventing my wall of text)
IC (inside the mind of Dr. Boring): Kran wants a long term “base of operations”. He doesn't have a criminal enterprise in mind, but using the people around him for help, will likely lead to the need to cover up criminal activity. He doesn't think much of the empire anyways, so this doesn't bother what's left of his ethical fiber. His moral fiber thinks shooting imperial soldiers if the best way to learn to use a gun, so his morals won't really be challenged by hiding criminal activity from imperials either.
The short term plan is to make money and build a reputation with the locals to make some sort of base of operations. He'll start with house calls, taking cash when it is available but also bartering for his services. He'll quote prices and negotiate, but will be easy on anyone who can't afford much. His bartering will include asking for labor in exchange. He'll be careful not to oversell the value of his services since he is only barely trained in medicine. His immediate goals, assuming [Matt's character] goes along with it, and everyone else participates at least a little bit, is to establish the cantina as a local, completely legal business and refurbish the building. Then, as time a resources permit, add onto the first building. We need additional office space to start larger trading enterprises, storage space for said business, space for seeing and treating patients, and quality sleeping quarters for the group and a couple non-patient guests.

(more to come)
Mid-term plans are to manipulate the miners into digging us a basement (if we don't already have one) and connecting our basement to mines for semi-secret tunnels for trading and escaping, and to find some played-out mines to build more interesting semi-secret facilities in; such as a hospital, chemistry labs, mechanical shops, a school with a large library and multiple hidden storage facilities. Part of this plan is also to turn the area around the cantina into a strip mall with a range of available businesses to keep the place bustling, both with people to cover up our own suspicious activity and construction to cover up the material needs of our hidden facilities.
The planning of the mid-term goals will take a lot of time, and require some outside investors. Br. Boring wants control of a communications business (think ISP), and larger doctor's office, and pharmacy. He wants enough business interests in the area that it becomes a tax boon for the empire without the tax being a depressor on the businesses. It needs to be enough of a tax boon that it gets less scrutiny from the empire, and fear of the loss of the tax revenue might discourage local officials from interfering too much. Since there's no such thing as a free lunch, someone has to pay for all of that, and Dr. Boring will start, as stated above, by offering his services for reasonable prices or even lower than reasonable prices and donating most (if not all) of his gains to this plan.
Since he will need assistance from the miners, and need them to keep mining, he will try to sell the idea to the rest of the group that we need to make sure the miners have the best gear available. The miners need to be treated as a precious resource, and need to have good medical treatment and good gear so that they can mine more “spice” to keep production up and have leftover resources to pay us for the services we can offer.
The long-term plan only includes making it bigger and more useful to make it a better resource for us, and making it more important to local authorities to make them reluctant to risk ruining the resource.
Oh... Dr. Boring does post prices for his services, exorbitant prices, so that if any imperial officials come looking for medical help, they can pay through the nose to help support those who cannot pay as much. (Kran will let [matt's character] negotiate prices with them). Imperials also get less anesthetic, “why waist pain killers on them, when I'm strong enough to just hold them down?” is the way he feels about it; they get just enough to not be driver too crazy from the pain. All of his patients are, unfortunately, practice at the moment, so that he can get more skill at healing people.
If its not clear, he intends to turn the area into a mini Corusant; respectable-appearing businesses on top, real businesses under ground. He'll try to avoid the violence and corruption by having the corrupt people who get to close removed somehow (he won't think too much about how) and encouraging the violence to be exported to other planets.

Additional goals that cost money, roughly in order of importance:
1) Fighter Escort for frigate; 2 to 4 good fighters

A) Better/Bigger freighter; something with at least a light turbolaser that can carry at least one fighter.

I) Capital Ship - this means you're in the big leagues. A marauder maybe, or a C90.

*) Something reminiscent of a fleet

2) Some heavy weapons, for when it hits the fan; a light repeater or box of thermal detinators.

B) Good ground vehicles or jet packs.

II) Better armor

**) Astromechs for every spacecraft. Droid crew for when we're not around. Droid bar tender for when we're not around. Protocol droid, for when strangers are around. Another astromech, for when we're in real trouble (paint in imperial black-and-white).
It is your standard cantina, was supposed to have a resort built next to it. Current owner unknown. Land granted by local government. Lots of people abused by last owner. Resort never built.
My character is perfectly cool with Terry's plan since it's all part of growing the business. I'm more interested long-term in building the fleet, getting trade going, and setting up contacts and secondary bases, businesses, or at least safe places off-world. I don't want all our "eggs in one basket," and getting some starships and off-world locations would be a good start.

I want to take the time to get in on that Twi'lek mining business on that world. My character is the right species to have an "in" there and not be an outsider, so I should take advantage of that business opportunity.
Ment current location of owner unknown, what is your plan for getting the land deed or deeds?
Does squatting rules count?
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