Friday, August 30, 2024

31 AUG 2024 - Continuing the PF2E experiment, beef and fries for dinner.

 As the title says. 

Also, there is a general feat I didn't know about before called "bonded animal" (prerequisite: Expert in Nature), which allows you to bond an animal, and if its level is low enough, it gains the minion trait so you can more effectively control it. The level limits for the animal are based on your rank in the Nature skill (you all have nature for being kineticists). When you get Master in Nature, the animal can be up to level 3 (I've decided thats the right rank for riding drakes), and when/if you get Legendary in Nature, it can act as a flying mount. (Legendary skills become available at level 15, with the newest source book, flying mounts become available at level 14 for classes with special mounts, so I think level 15 is about right for not having a specialized class).

Unless I change my current plans, the adventure this week, your first as level 5, will be exploring the cave that opened up under the Dragon Horde general store. Travis wants it mapped out and scouted to see what threats/opportunities are there before he seals it up. It should connect to several known parts of the city, but he wants to know what links there are to the known underground areas, and if there are new sub-city neighborhoods that should be exploited or exterminated. 

Don't forget to distribute loot.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

August the 24th

Hey guys, short post for this weekend.  I'm back and running Pathfinder.  More opportunities to loot and smash Sorsehn's minions.  Who can be there this Saturday??

Friday, August 16, 2024

17 AUG 2024 - More fire fruit and more beef... and dragons

 More adventures in Fire Grove, and sliced beef. I'll try not to overcook it this time.

Update your characters to level 4 please. 

Also, if you have already seen it, I have a text channel on discord for our games, for keeping campaign information and loot lists. The old one called "saturday-dnd" should just be there for planning or non-campaign discussions. I'll try to keep a sticky note at the top of the draconic-inheritance channel with the character's level and relevant notes.

This week should includes dragons and curses and more dubious missions from the leaders of Fire Grove, and shopping. Travis or the drake riders will offer a 25% discount on a common level 3 item (the 60gp items) for anyone interested in a wand or +1 rune for a weapon. Also, in Fire Grove, low level magic items that mimic kineticist abilities are usually 50% cheaper.

Hope everyone can make it.

Thursday, August 08, 2024

10 AUG 2024 - Beef and Fire Fruit

 Continuing adventures in Fire Grove, and beef for dinner. 

Hope everyone can make it this week.

Friday, August 02, 2024

Adventure Free Weekend - 03 AUG 2024

 Just posting the next bit of info for my PF2E game since we aren't meeting this weekend. 

New lore skills:

Lore: Fire Grove – Specific Lore for important people, places, laws and customs in Fire Grove and Identifying Kinetic Aspects of Invested Dragon Bone artifacts. Unspecific Lore for dragons, drakes, kobolds, local ruins and identifying dragon bone artifacts and consumables made of fire fruit. Expert/Master/Legend also grants a +1/2/3 circumstance bonus to using lore to make money in Fire Grove, or craft alchemical items using fire fruit that mimic kinetic abilities; Expert/Master/Legend grants level 3/6/9 uncommon recipes for fire fruit alchemical items.

Lore: Fire Fruit – Specific Lore for identifying Fire Fruit magic and alchemical items, potential effects of fresh fire fruit, and identifying kinetic aspects of people empowered by fire fruits. Expert/Master/Legend also grants a +1/2/3 circumstance bonus to using lore to make money in Fire Grove, or craft consumable magic items using fire fruit that mimic kinetic abilities; Expert/Master/Legend grants level 3/6/9 uncommon recipes for fire fruit consumable magic items.

Lore: Inheritance of Dragons – Specific Lore for Drakes, Primal, Metalic and Chromatic Dragons, identifying draconic heritage in kobolds, identifying aspects of Fire Fruit empower people and for all things related to dragon bone artifacts. Unspecific Lore for other dragon-related lore, kobolds and things related to the dragon graveyard. Expert/Master/Legend also grants a +1/2/3 circumstance bonus to using lore to make money in Fire Grove, or craft dragon bone artifacts; Expert/Master/Legend grants level 3/6/9 uncommon recipes for dragon bone artifacts. 

I'll post more here as I write this weekend. Also, I've added new channels to my discord server for posts directly related to our campaigns.  


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