Friday, June 28, 2024

25 June 2024 - Beef and P2

 Hopefully Rob can continue our exploration of Pathfinder 2e. 

Planning sliced Beef and Asparagus for dinner.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Sat the 22nd

 Hi Guys, 

Greetings from up north.  This Saturday I'm back and ready to run more Pathfinder.  The party has almost finished repairing the time disruptions caused by Alaznist, steadily weakening her and finally makeing her vulnerable.  Next stop: Hollow Mountain, refuge and headquarters of the Runelord of Wrath.

The party will advance another level, so have your PC's up to 19th level for next session.  Also, this is your last chance to shop and create stuff for a while, so take advantage now.  See you Sat, who will be there??

Thursday, June 13, 2024

15 JUN 2024 - Brats and Fries

 Lazy meal, brats and fries.

I hope Rob runs again. Before he left last Saturday, that was his intent. If he lets me know of any change in plans, I'll post here.

Thursday, June 06, 2024

08 JUN 2024 - P2 and Brats

 Hopefully Rob is available to continue his P2 game. Brats for dinner.

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